Saturday, November 3, 2018

October 27, 2018: masks galore

First grade is in charge of putting on the first elementary school assembly of the school year.  We have to do something to illustrate "perseverance" to the rest of the classes.  We decided to do a skit to the book "Giraffes Can't Dance."  For those of you with kids, if you haven't read it, check it out.  It's a great book!  Noor was in charge of all the multimedia (which was a huge job), so I did the masks and organized the props.  Tonight I finished the last of them!   Some days I really, really love busy work.   So much of teaching requires you to do work where you won't see immediate results or feel immediate gratification.  Don't get me wrong, we are busy all the time, and teaching is extremely rewarding.  There are fewer feelings that are better than seeing a child's excitement over finally figuring something out.  (We call those Aha! moments, but I learned that Aha! is a swear word here, so I'm searching for a new term...) Regardless, sometimes you just need a week where you get to make 19 animal masks to feel like you got something accomplished. 

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