Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 15, 2018: Winter is upon us!

I was told when I got here, that winter gets cold, especially in our apartments.  I was told I'd need sweatshirts and heavy blankets and even jackets.  I laughed at these people.  I just came from Alaska and am used to actual cold weather.  Snow.  Cold rain.  When it hits 60 degrees in Kodiak, kids are swimming in the chilly Pacific and I'm busting out the shorts and tank tops.  A 60 degree winter was going to be a breeze for me.  For the longest time, I used just a sheet to sleep and only recently I began using a super thin blanket the school provided for me when I first moved here.

The time has come to bust out the winter gear.  I've had goosebumps for the last three weeks.  I've worn that light jacket for the last few evenings while going out and about.  And for the first night since being here, I was chilly enough that I had a hard time sleeping.   I was on a mission to buy a real blanket, but my coworker, Sherry, let me have her extra one for the year.  It was so wonderfully cozy to be bundled up on the couch.  It's feeling like real fall and I love it!!  This evening I was basking in the glory of my new blanket when a friend asked me to come join a poker game.  I initially said no because obviously I wasn't going to leave this pure bliss, but I ultimately decided friends are better than blankets, and I got myself off the couch.  (And I'm glad I did!  Poker is fun.  Who knew??) 

As I type this now, I'm wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and have a blanket wrapped around me.  It's 68 degrees outside, and I am completely ashamed of how soft I have gotten here. 


  1. I wonder if it will be warming up in January 4 your mom, Luann and I to use the hotel pool in Cairo?

  2. It was like this when I was in Chile - 68 in cement buildings actually can be really chilly! Different than when you have central heating.
