Saturday, February 2, 2019

January 18, 2019: triumphant return to running

Things my body can´t do*
1. Sing and clap at the same time
2. Shoot a basketball without looking like I have chicken wings
3. Talk to a group of people without turning red
4.  Catch 96% of things thrown at me
5.  follow directions in a dance or aerobics class
6. almost anything that involves reflexes
7. pronounce the word ¨challenge¨ without being laughed at 
8. raise just one eyebrow
9. observe most details around me
10. cartwheels

Things my body can do: 
1.  Go out and run 8 miles after three weeks of absolutely no physical activity.  It doesn´t look pretty, but my body can get that shit done.  And for that, Iḿ extremely thankful!  Todayś run was a little painful, and I´m still a little sick, but I was able to jump back into my training.  Hopefully Iĺl be ready for the half marathon in a month!

*As a teacher, I have to make sure I include the word ¨YET!¨ after all of those.  Growth mindset.  (she giggles to herself trying to believe that even with all the practice in the world she´d be able to shoot a basketball someday...)

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