Tuesday, October 9, 2018

September 24, 2018: Feels like death

I was warned that upon arrival to Egypt, most people experience "The Egyptian Cleanse."  I've been told that this consists of stomach cramping and lots of pooping.  I had some minor restroom issues the first week I got here, so I figured that's all there was to it, and I had gotten away with a very easy version of the cleanse.

I was wrong.  The revenge of the Sphinx (the other term people use for it) came for me almost two months into my move.   I was up all night with the most terrible cramps I have ever experienced.  At about 4am I was convinced I was dying and contemplated calling my mother to tell her goodbye.  There isn't a 911 service in Egypt, and I wondered who I should call if I really thought that medically I was in danger.  Ok, it wasn't that bad, but I didn't sleep for most the night and spent that time writhing in pain.  So it wasn't pleasant.  I took the next day off of school because I was still sweaty, crampy, and other non-mentionably.  I called down to the school nurse and she delivered magic medicine to my apartment.  I also called down to the kitchen, and they brought me up an amazing spread!  This was the best home sick experience I could have asked for!

1 comment:

  1. I would have brought you magic medicine and a yummy spread. Glad you didn’t die on me!!!
