Friday, October 26, 2018

October 13, 2018: Gherkins

I have no idea what a gherkin actually is, but it made my night.  I went down to dinner, and right away one of my coworkers, who lives down the hall from me, asked me about a mystery package that was sitting outside of my door.  (The same door I had just walked out of in order to come down to dinner).  I hadn't noticed anything on my way out, so I was definitely a bit curious.  A few more minutes into dinner, the coworker who lives on the other side of the hall from me texted me and asked if I knew that there was a package sitting outside my door.  She told me that it had been there a while.  I must have passed this package a few times in the evening and never saw it.  Further proof that I am the least observant human alive.  Pray that I never witness a crime against you.  Well, pray that a crime is never committed against you, but if it is, pray for a better witness.  When I finally got to open this mysterious gift, I found these.  I had been telling a different coworker that I really missed pickles.   Egypt loves to pickle just about everything except actual pickles.  I miss me some vlasic dills.  My coworker had found these and decided to share them with me.   And they are the closest thing to pickles I have had yet.   WOOHOO!

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