Monday, December 17, 2018

November 28, 2018: Warning- this post contains graphic images of poop

My friend, Kate, and I are running a half marathon in Cairo (around the pyramids!) in February, so I went to her house today so we could register and look at hotels. I was sitting in Kate's chair, typing away when I heard an airy gurgling sound, followed by the most awful smell.  I looked over, and Kate's cat, Winnie, was crouched in the back corner of her litter box, butt against the wall, staring into my eyes, and clearly trying to rid her intestines of some intense poop.  I've always told Kate that Winnie reminds me of an elegant queen.  She is a long haired beauty and walks with poise and grace.  So watching her diarrhea into her litter box struck me as absolutely hilarious.  About midway through the poop, we realized her butt was not actually in the litter box, but up against the wall.  At this point, we both lost it.  I had tears running down my face, anticipating the pile of liqui-poo that was going to be on the wall.  When Winnie finished, we moved the box away from the wall, and this is what we found.  So nasty.  I offered to help, but by the sounds of my dry heaves, I think she figured I wouldn't be very useful.  Kate is a great cat mom.  She was reassuring and comforting to poor Winnie, in between her bursts of laughter. 

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