Monday, December 17, 2018

December 4, 2018: shoo fly

I HATE the flies here.  Flies are never awesome, but the ones here are super rude.  They land on your face and in your hair all the time.  I try not to complain, because lots of places around the world have mosquitos that give you deadly diseases, or huge spiders that hide in your shoes, or all sorts of worse creepy crawlies.  If all I have to worry about are the flies, I'm ok.

Still, they drive me nuts.  There are tons of them, and they don't leave you alone.  This morning, I killed 7 before the kids came to school.  Two of them were unfortunately slaughtered on this poor kid's math book, leaving some juices behind.  I brushed the flies into the garbage can and closed his book.  When we worked in the books this morning, he didn't notice and I didn't say a word.

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