Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 2, 2016: Exit Glacier

Obama hiked here with Bear Grylls.  That is awesome. 

I loved this hike.  We went with guides onto the glacier.  Our group was funny.  We spent a portion of our time remembering all of the great 90s songs that have wilderness references in them.  We witnessed a man get airlifted off the mountain next to the glacier.  He had fallen down part of the mountain and thought that he broke his back.  He ended up being ok.  We learned about the insane rate that the glacier is melting. We heard countless stories of adventure from our two guides.  

On the glacier, I fell in love with the deep blue color of the ice.  Most of the glacier was a brownish white color (the sand sediment mixed with the ice) but in certain parts, the deep, toothpaste blue color brilliantly pops through.  I love it. 

As you can imagine, there are no ladies' rooms on a glacier.  Really difficult to pee in a barren ice field without men being able to see you.  So I held it.  We were out there a lot longer than anticipated because we had to wait to make sure the guy who fell was being taken care of.  So by the time I got back to the ranger station, I was in pain from holding my pee for so long. I had to unclip my backpack from around my waist because it was pushing up against my bladder.  I started power walking when I saw the restroom ahead of me, only to be stopped by a few rangers.  A moose and her calf were blocking the bathroom!  While this was a majestic thing to witness, I was weighing my options: death by moose mauling if I attempted to get to the bathroom, or death by public humiliation if I waited it out.  Luckily the moose got out of the way after a few seconds and I was able to get to the bathroom before my bladder burst. 

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