Saturday, September 8, 2012

August 29, 2012: Tech Savvy

The second drawer in my desk is filled with the technological toys they give us at my new school.  Inside you will find:  A palm pilot, a digital camera, a movie camera, a SMART board remote, a document camera, some weird cube thing that I almost threw away but it's a good thing I didn't because it takes a 3-D image on the SMART board and moves it around, and our SMART table magic bracelet things.  I am so pumped.


  1. I substitute taught in a 5th grade classroom last week, and part of the lesson required use of a document camera. Only the teacher didn't leave instructions on how to use it - and I could not figure it out! What happened to overhead projectors and transparencies??

  2. Haha, I know! We don't even have overheads at my new school because they are so "archaic". One thing is for sure, I have a lot to learn. I hope subbing has been going well! Give Jonah a hug from me!
