Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 14, 2015: white sand beach

This morning we spent a few hours at White Sand Beach. We hadn't been here yet but heard it was one of the nicer beaches (and had SAND instead of rocks!).  We loved it! We were the only people there. The fish were so plentiful we saw one jump every minute or so. The water was pretty shallow so the fish's find were poking out of the water like mini sharks. We even saw a whale! We brought the binoculars so we were able to watch it swim around and jump out of the water a few times!   It's a morning like this that reassures me I made a good decision moving here.  It has been really hard moving and giving up the great community I had in Chicago, and the family so close in Michigan.  I knew I would miss everyone, but I didn't expect to break out in sobs at random moments like I do (thankfully it usually happens when I am alone but there has been the occasional breakdown at church or in the bathroom at Walmart).  It's been rough. But mornings like this, when I can relax and spend quality time with Meg and Arthur while experiencing the things we are experiencing makes it more than worth it.  


  1. Love ya Mandy! We miss you in Chicago but it's really great to keep up with your adventures on here. Enjoy every minute!
